Bike Share Coming to Toronto: Now What?

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing.

The Walrus has a very thoughtful piece on Toronto’s forthcoming bike sharing programme.  What makes for a safe cycling environment? More cyclists? Better infrastructure? Mutual respect? Moving to Portland? Emily Testa, the article’s author, provides a well-rounded account of the various arguments for bicycle safety without demonizing cyclists or motorists.

At root, something has to give in Toronto.  I’m not sure that more casual riders wobbling along on rented bikes is going to change much (comparisons to Montreal often ignore the fact that Montreal has a much better cycling infrastructure), but it will force the city to rethink cycling safety.

2 Responses to “Bike Share Coming to Toronto: Now What?”

  1. 1 NK 22/10/2009 at 11:16 am

    Thanks for the tip to the article. It really is thoughtful, and, if anything, makes me appreciate the challenges behind introducing a bike share programme of the projected magnitude to a city that has very little established infrastructure (though evidently a huge cycling culture). One thing seems certain — to avoid catastrophe, things will need to change very quickly. And who knows whether this is in increased PSAs, new bike lanes, new laws, better policing or all of the above.

  2. 2 youaretheengine 22/10/2009 at 5:11 pm

    Very true. I’m still on the fence about bike share programmes generally (should people who don’t own bikes be riding in busy cities?), but I am all for encouraging more cycling as long as it’s safe. I also realize that many who use bike shares do cycle regularly, but for some reason can’t bring their bikes into the city.

    It’s a whole mess, really. But things are getting done, and that’s a start.

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October 2009
